"Long they laboured in the regions of Eä, which are vast beyond the thought of Elves and Men,
until in the time appointed was made Arda..." - J.R.R. Tolkien, Valaquenta
Middle-earth: Lord of the Mods is a modpack that attempts to recreate J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy universe within the confines of Civ3 Conquests. The mod dates back to May 2003, with Celeborn and his thread "LotR Modders UNITE!!!" Within weeks, this common interest group formed into a focused team and the skeleton of what would become this mod began to take shape. PCHighway later took on the leadership position, and led the team into a private beta stage in 2005. The private beta sought to refine the mod in a closed environment before opening it to the public. After 12 major releases, hundreds of bug reports and fixes, and changes to virtually every part of the mod, we feel that it is ready for the entire community.
In the mod you will find 15 civilizations from the pages of Tolkien's writings, as well as custom wonders, resources, and hundreds of units. The Lord of the Rings was taken as the ultimate source of inspiration, along with Tolkien's other works such as The Hobbit and The Silmarillion. Much effort was put into complying with the information therein. The mod has been in a private beta testing stage for 2 1/2 years, during which it has undergone many improvements to make it as fun, balanced, and true to Middle-earth as possible. The mod is still being released as a beta, but with your help we can complete the work and make this one of the greatest and most complete mods available, and a tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy.
DOWNLOAD LOTM 1.13.1 (193MB RAR archive)
Updated 2017-01-03: v1.13 removed from AtomicGamer after 8800+ downloads!
Installation: Install WinRAR, download and place .rar file in Conquests\Scenarios, right-click and 'Extract Here'
STEAM USERS: Patch 1.13.2 fixes a crash when founding your first city. Just replace Conquests\Scenarios\LotM\Text\labels.txt with this file.
File structure should look like this:
See post #2 for detailed information on the current versionCode:Conquests\ -Scenarios\ --Lord of the Mods 1.13.biq --LotM\ ---Art\ ---Sounds\ ---Text\
Custom maps and other optional downloads are listed in post #3
Spoiler Screenshots :
Celeborn for organizing the community and getting the mod started
PCHighway for his leadership and devotion through the testing stage
mrtn for his co-leadership and eel juggling
LotM team current & past for contributions, testing, and patience:
Cyber Dreyk
The Last Conformist
Weasel Op
Yoda Power
along with everyone else who contributed to the discussion threads in the pre-beta stage
our talented creators, specifically those who made units for LotM and/or Middle-earth:
utahjazz, Plotinus, aaglo, Kinboat, Kindred, and others
Thuderfall for granting us upload space and a private forum
Apoc for interviewing mrtn and promoting the mod
J.R.R. Tolkien for creating Middle-earth, the world we all know and love
If I have forgotten anyone, I apologize- there are so many to thank! Let me know and I'll add to the list.
WildWeazel Yeah, well... Supporter
WildWeazel Yeah, well... Supporter
First of all, keep in mind that LotM is still beta. Work will continue, with your help.
Quick start scenarios are not working properly due to the civ-specific technologies. Specialist citizens are unavailable, and improvements/wonders are be available to civs that should not be able to build them. Fixed!
Unit lines will be updated soon. With all of the recently created units that fit the mod, we have plenty of options. This has been the most heavily debated area of the mod, but unfortunately that doesn't mean it's the best.
Isengard and Mordor in particular need further playtesting. Both have many unique gameplay opportunities that may unbalance the game.
We've been having problems with pollution in the later eras. It has been addressed but not yet tested.
Some building graphics are placeholders, especially for the evil culture group. We need new icons and wonder splashes for these.
Hobbits and to a lesser extent Dwarves have not fared well, probably in part because they have no fast units (cavalry, etc). Help us work around this.
The civilopedia should contain most necessary information but is sparse and repetitive. We can always use new pedia entries. There is a wealth of knowledge about Middle-earth that can be included to improve the feel of the mod.
Custom music and other additions may be added soon as optional downloads.
Interview with mrtn at Chamber of Records (LotR modding site), August 2006
- Angmar
- Arnor
- Dwarves
- Easterlings
- Harad
- Gondor
- Isengard
- Mordor
- Moriquendi
- Noldor
- Northmen
- Numenor
- Rohan
- The Shire
- Sindar
Gameplay: Each civilization is a unique experience. Isengard can build a limited number of cities but gets various special improvements and wonders, as well as the powerful Orthanc Fortification unit to defend the capital. Mordor spawns hordes of creatures from its unique city improvements. Dwarves can cross mountains with ease, while others are bound by them. Elves are immune to the diseases that plague other races.
Units: Hundreds of units, including many custom units made specifically for the mod. Each race and most civilizations have completely unique unit lines. Special units such as Trolls, Balrogs, Dragons, and Ents are available to certain civs. Regicide players will find upgradeable king units with special abilities.
Technologies: 4 full eras (First Age, Second Age: Rings, Second Age: Numenor, Third Age) of Middle-earth and Dark Age themed technologies, with special civ- or race-specific techs in each era.
Governments: A least 2 per race, including Stewardship, Mayorship, House Confederacy, and Tyranny.
Resources: Mine precious Mithril, tame Oliphaunts, and harvest Pipeweed. Many new resources are required for special buildings and units.
Terrain: Custom terrain graphics based on Snoopy's terrain pack feature dangerous Dark Forests, and high Mountains impassable to most units.
Is LotM based on the books, the movies, or both?
The mod is based on Tolkien's writings, with LotR taken as the final authority. We have used elements from the movie trilogy and elsewhere when they do not conflict with the written canon.
Is the mod played on a map of Middle-earth?
The main download contains only a random map version. Custom maps can be downloaded from the next post, which may require LotM rules to be imported.
Are there hero units like Gandalf or Frodo?
The Istari (wizards) are special Army units spawned from the White Council wonder. Each civ has its own custom king unit(s) with upgrades a la Sengoku. Other specific characters are not represented as individual units, but you may find them among the Great Leaders of their civilization.
Does it include Balrogs and Dragons?
Yes! Balrogs, Dragons, Ents, Nazgul, and other special units are spawned from wonders that are only available to certain civs.
What about Morgoth and the Valar?
Neither Morgoth nor the Valar appear in the mod. This would completely unbalance gameplay. Because Civ3 is a game of progress, it is sometimes not feasible to represent the declinism seen in Middle-earth.
Can I build the Rings of Power?
The Rings of Power is a wonder available to Mordor that produces the Nazul unit. The Rings are not represented by units.
What's the difference between Sindar, Noldor, and Moriquendi?
The Sindar are those Elves who stayed behind in Beleriand under the rule of Thingol during the First Age. The Noldor are the Elves who crossed the sea to Valinor but returned with Feanor to fight Morgoth. The Moriquendi represent the rest of the Elves who did not travel to Valinor, particularly the forest dwellers of Lothlorien.
Does the mod include music from the movie trilogy?
No. A custom soundtrack is in the works, but it will not include songs from the movie soundtrack due to legal restrictions. -
WildWeazel Yeah, well... Supporter
Here is a list of custom maps and other optional addons for LotM. Files marked "LotM ready" are already set up for use with the mod. Other files may need some manual work, such as importing LotM rules to the map.
Quick Start scenarios: (Included in 1.13.1) These alternate BIQ scenarios allow you to begin playing in later eras of the mod. All players begin with 3 settlers (Isengard gets 5 but cannot build more), 2 workers, and 2 military units. Research costs are reduced significantly to allow quicker progress with a smaller empire. All civilizations retain their unique abilities and technologies. Due to game limitations, you must play with all 15 civilizations.
Middle-earth Map 100x114 by Yoda Power (LotM 1.13 ready)
Beleriand Map 100x100 by Yoda Power (LotM 1.13 ready, no resources**)
Arda Map 250x200 by I_am_sin7 (LotM 1.13 ready)
War of the Ring Map 60x80 by Weasel Op (map only*, no resources**)
Beleriand Map by Lord Malbeth (map only*)
Age of Númenor Map by Lord Malbeth (map only*)
Arda Map by Lord Malbeth (map only*)
Giga Map of Middle-earth 362x362 by Private Byrne (map only*)
Note: This map is huge and may be unplayable in late game. It's recommended to crop it down in the editor to an area that you want to play.
Middle-earth Rohan to Khand 260x260 by Sir Eric (map only*)
Huge Middle-earth Map 256x256 by Combat Ingrid
*To apply LotM to custom maps:
(from various stages of the private beta)
Last edited: Jan 30, 2021 -
First post!!
Oh myGod!!! The two of things I like most in life, Tolkien
and stomping
enemy Civ's into the dust.
I am DLing right now. Can't waitto play!
After lurking on the forums all Sunday, I very nearly just had a heart failure: LOTM is finally out! Now to reinstall Civ3!!! This is going to ruin my family life.
Adler17 Prussian Feldmarschall
4th to DL. I am still sceptical if it is the mod at all... After this long time I can't really think it is true.
Adler -
"Long they laboured" indeed. Great to see it here at last. I hope there will be lots of ideas in this thread for improvements and tweaks to produce one of the truly great Civ III mods!
i think the units need to be upgraded, it just kinda seems you guys went all over the place with em
can someone please make some mordor orcs and a isenguard pike orc -
As of now, we only have two "Tolkien" orcs which Kinboat made. Of course we would welcome more to get away from the more cartoony "Warhammer" orcs & goblins.... but we will work with what we have for the time being. I think ED's orcs work great for Tolkien.
I would love to find a way to differentiate Angmar more from Mordor and welcome suggestions.
Obviously the civilopedia will need a lot of work, and please post any corrections and suggestions you have.
Isengard: This is a great civ for a challenge. Most of us have playtested Isengard and find it plays well, but because it is so unique (you can not build settlers, they are spawned from a small wonder -- so essentially you start out with much less cities, but they are potentially way more powerful), more playtesting with Isengard would be great.
Mordor: With Plotinus' winged nazgul complete, we have only just recently added the nazgul to the mod. Few of us have been able to playtest this.
Lastly, keep in mind this is still a BETA! -
Virote_Considon The Great Dictator
I'm getting an error opening "LotM1.13 Era 2 Quickstart" in the editor - it says it is not a valid Civ3 Scenario file.
In the previous release we had "quick starts" for each era -- Not sure if Weasel Op was planning on releasing those with this new version.
Do any of the other quickstart eras work? They may not be intended to. -
Virote_Considon The Great Dictator
I can open them all in the editor, it's just that one scenario file.
WildWeazel Yeah, well... Supporter
yea virote right it doesn't work
and about the unit lines and what units should be used id suggest you get in contact with stormrage because he knows all the units inside and out -
There is no doubt in my mind stormrage will be popping in here eventually
Here is what I have been putting together for Rohan:
I have been wanting to use a wose unit for their tracker -- currently I have Kinboat's Somoan there, bu there are other options.
Some of the names will need to be updated as well.
Holy crap! I can finally play this thing!
Props to all you guys who put in a great effort and worked on getting out this fantastic mod. -
Good job guys, I haven't been active lately but I'm getting this one for sure
Adler17 Prussian Feldmarschall
I suggest to make extra music for the scenario. AoI did so, Vietnam, too, TCW will follow (all El Justo's) as well as my AoI II.
Adler -
Wow. It's public. Amazing work to all who did so much for this mod. Might have to dust off C3C and give this a whirl.
Arathorn -
Middle-earth: Lord of the Mods
Discussion in 'Civ3 - Completed Modpacks' started by WildWeazel, Nov 26, 2007.